
WHAT is pfilates?

Pfilates is an accessible method used in recovery to enhance the pelvic floor.  The pelvic floor muscles main function is to control bladder and bowel, but also supports pelvic organs and sexual function. 

The Pfilates training programme is a combination of pilates, plyometrics and traditional Kegel exercises which determine what exercises are most likely to give the best success at strengthening the pelvic floor.  Clinical data has shown that after 4 weeks of performing pfilates exercises patients had a 33% improvement of pelvic floor  strength and 74% overall improvement in bladder symptoms.

Pfilates offers a fitness approach to bladder incontinence and pelvic floor weakness. It combines functional movements that activate the pelvic floor and co-contractors to enhance optimal peak contraction. This is where Pfilates differs from ‘Kegel’ exercises. Kegel exercises activate the pelvic floor muscle in isolation, whereas Pfilates activate the pelvic floor muscles during functional movements which has shown to increase pelvic floor strength by 62%.

Who is pfilates for?

Pelvic floor weakness and bladder incontinence is a FITNESS problem and should not be disregarded or something to be embarrassed about, it is more common than you think. It is common to think that only surgery can fix this problem however, like every other muscle the pelvic floor can be trained through exercise. 

There are numerous possible causes to pelvic floor problems such as childbirth, injury, aging process, lack of fitness and overall strength, causing further issues such as bladder and bowel incontinence, needing to use the bathroom more frequently than average and suffering from prolapse or sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction. 

“Only women need to do pelvic floor exercises” - all genders have a pelvic floor to enable us to control our bladder, bowel and hold our organs. It is not only for women of a certain age or postpartum, men can massively benefit from pelvic floor strengthening. Pelvic floor strengthening techniques can eradicate erectile dysfunction for some men. Research has shown that pelvic floor strengthening resolved the problem in 30% of particiaptns and improved performance in up to 70% of participants.

The pelvic floor and core are vital for sport performance. It forms the foundation for all movements, balance, stability and flexibility. Almost every exercise or physical activity utilises the pelvic floor. From golf, being able to maintain a stable core to allow a fluid and consistent swing at intense force to athletes who take part in sports with quick decision making and change of direction, like football or rugby.

121 & Group sessions available - call for price.