Do I need a GAIT analysis and what are the benefits?
GAIT analysis is a valuable tool that can provide a wealth of information about how an individual walks or runs. This analysis is typically used at LB Physiotherapy to assess and diagnose gait-related issues in patients. The analysis involves examining various aspects of a person's gait, including posture, balance, stride length, foot placement, and overall movement patterns.
One of the primary benefits of GAIT analysis is that it can help identify any underlying issues or imbalances that may be contributing to pain or discomfort during walking or running. For example, someone who experiences knee or hip pain may have an abnormal gait pattern that is putting excessive stress on these joints. By analysing their gait, the team at LB can identify these issues and develop a treatment plan to address them.
Another benefit of GAIT analysis is that it can be used to improve running performance. The team at LB Physiotherapy uses GAIT analysis to identify areas of weakness or inefficiency in a runner’s gait. By addressing these areas, runners can improve their form, reduce their risk of injury, and ultimately perform at a higher level.
Additionally, GAIT analysis can be used to monitor the progress of rehabilitation or treatment for gait-related issues. By tracking changes in gait patterns over time, the team at LB can assess the effectiveness of various interventions and make adjustments as needed.
Overall, GAIT analysis is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into an individual's walking or running patterns. Whether you are experiencing pain or discomfort during walking or running, looking to improve your run performance, or monitoring the progress of your rehabilitation, GAIT analysis can provide the information and guidance you need to achieve your goals.
If you would like more information on GAIT analysis sessions at LB Physiotherapy contact the team directly on 01204 800727 or